We make all types of novelty documents. Chat with us today!

About Us

About Our Agency

The Best Original Fake Documents Maker

Q DOCUMENT MAKER is a one stop platform to collect real fake documents online at an unbeatable price. We are a group of experts with 11+ years experience in document processing. Our agency is trusted to get all service and document support at every time a client needs them.

Our Vision and Mission

Our vison is to be the GOTO POINT for the production of all document types. We strive to produce legit registered documents so that your requirements of all our services and products will always be fulfilled efficiently and effectively.

How We Operate

Aside from our decade old clients who may know how to contact the initial operators of our agency directly for renewal of their documents, we contact our clients directly online. Here we take their requests and process as quickly as possible. We have different departments taking care of different kinds of requests.

legit registered documents


Satisfied Clients


Real Documents


Fake Documents



Experts You Can Trust Anywhere

Get rid of stress and save time. No to long bureaucratic processes and procedures. Our Immigration Lawyers are always prepared to help our clients if they have any difficulties.
Experienced Expert
Secure & Safe
Fast Delivery
Services and Experience

Why Choose Us

We have been consistent with our services and we regularly improve with time. Over time, we have worked harder especially on our delivery services which were having a little challenge at the beginning of 2016. Right now our network has expanded enough to the extent that we can confidently tell you not to worry about the security and delivery of your documents.

Highly Experienced

We have a network of experienced Agents working tirelessly round the world

Secure & Safe

We are Privacy Certified by TrustArc, and we have excellent passes into databases

11+ Years Experience

In document processing and production, worldwide

Fast Processing

We are highly experienced in documentation, fast and reliable. Min 3 days production

Online & Worldwide

We offer a 24/7 service round the world, with a pro WhatsApp contact channel
Our Team Members

Our Team

The quality of our services makes us stand out high amongst our competitors. There’s a vast amount of services we provide. We started just with the production of driver’s license and passports. We expanded to almost all documents you could think of in May 2015. We make all types of real fake documents online. While producing the real documents, we make sure you document has a valid hologram and biometric sensors all on board and other important information.

A. Wills
Production Manager
A. Samanta
Immigration Officer
W. Robert
Customer Service
S. Julie
Legal Officer
WeCreativez WhatsApp Support
Our manager is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!
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